What was your 2016 Course Correction?

Have you ever experienced a course correction?

First of all, let me clarify what I mean when I say 'course correction.'

A course correction, in the spiritual realm, is a series of warnings (that we may or may not notice) with, usually, a big life event that will shift things in how you live life daily that will help you get 'back on course' with your Soul's path.

This can be an accident, an injury or illness, a move or a change in your job status, it can also mean a sudden breakup or divorce.

As you can see, there have been MANY course corrections in 2016 for people! Many people have even experienced multiple course corrections. Example: divorce, move, illness/diagnosis and a death of someone significant in their life.

Now, not all course corrections are 'bad' or 'negative.'
Many seem that way on the human level or perception. But when we go deep and really check in with the soul, a course correction is sharing that there is something more we came here to do. Something that would help our soul grow and be submerged in the lessons that we wanted to learn this lifetime.

Maybe we were continuing old lessons or repeating soul connections we had already completed in a past lifetime - and we were staying because it was 'comfortable.'

So, our soul nudges us - sometimes gently, sometimes abruptly pushing us - to get back into alignment with what we originally intended to do.

Enter the course correction.

Why do we experience course corrections?

1) To help us remember that we have so much more to do this lifetime.

2) To remind us that Free Will is a thing. It means that we are exercising a lot of our own will (what we want - ego) and we're not in alignment with what the Universe/our Highest Self wants.

3) To get our attention. As Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience there are many times where we are not connected to the Spiritual realm - or our intuition, which is our internal guidance system. We can get caught up in the many 'shoulds' and 'have to's' of society and what we think our lives 'should' look like rather than checking in and seeing what our soul is guiding us to do. So what happens is that it manifests from the Spiritual level to the Mental level, to the Emotional level and finally to the Physical level - which, as humans, literally stops us in our tracks and forces us to course correct.

I have seen this time and time again in my work.
I can see/sense things as people are talking about them. 'Yes,' 'No,' 'There's more to that.'
I share messages with others about what I sense.

Sometimes they trust it. Sometimes they don't. Many times they feel mad or angry towards me. Why? Because it's RARELY what they want. But they are holding on with every tooth, nail and last thread.

And yet things continue to unravel... healths continue to decline, emotions escalate, chaos ensues, things continue to spiral out of control. And then when they're ready, most likely when nearly everything is gone, they're 'on their knees' and in full surrender, things will finally shift.

The good news? All of this can be prevented!

We don't have to go through the heartbreak or chaos of a Course Correction.

A course correction is needed because our self will has run rampant. This is our ego and fear of the unknown trying to 'keep us safe.'

But the reality is, these can be avoided.

Granted many times following our Internal Guidance System can also feel really scary. Absolutely. But it's because our ego is 'trying to keep us safe' because when you step outside of your comfort zone and into alignment with your soul the only guarantee is that you will have a series of magical, faith-filled moments that will unfold as your take one step at a time.

There is no structure, or planning or sense of security in making sure that your plan will come to fruition.

It's arms wide open, trusting, taking small steps and building your faith muscles both in your Self and with your intuition.

And this can take time. And it can feel very lonely as you rewire your brain and shift how you move through life in a family, workplace, society and world that is based on ego, fear and logic rather than sensing, trusting and aligning with your soul.

This is why I offer a year-long mentoring program!

This is for the beautiful souls like you who are ready to shift your life and walk in alignment with your soul. The soul who is ready for your day to be filled with ease and flow. To feel confident in trusting your intuition and nudges from your soul. And who is curious about the Magic and miracles that you see others have in their lives.

Today, can be the first day that you take that step towards living a life with all of those things, VIP.

The 2017 Align & Thrive doors are now open!


I usually open the program in the late Fall, so this is definitely much later than I am used to, but, that's what happens when we follow our soul! Things shift!

Part of the big shift is because VIP's Energy Alignment mentoring Program is now mostly online!

You can be anywhere in the world and still get the support you are needing!

We, my Guides and I, are offering three different options for Align and Thrive:

1) Online only - Jan - Dec 2017
2) Online & In-Person - Jan - Dec 2017
3) Online & In-Person - Jan 2017 - Dec 2018 (yes, this one is two years).

You can read all of the details over at the webpage here.

Just remember, VIP, you can live a beautiful and soul-aligned life filled with ease and flow.

You can heal yourself.
You can learn how to connect and trust your intuition.
You can choose the path that is in your highest good with confidence.
And you can harness your ability to sense energies, no matter how logical you are.

I am clear, this is my life purpose right now: to support others who are ready for this growth and ready to take this step.

It's where I thrive. By channeling Spirit, your guides, your loved ones on the other side who are there supporting you and cheering you on. Who are sending you those signs to help show you the way.

So, if you are ready for that, then head on over and get signed up! If you have more questions, let's chat - here's a free 30-mins session to check-in and make sure it's aligned for you

Now until 12/21 (**extended until 12/31/16) is Early-Bird - where you will also get free bonus Private Energy Alignment Sessions to work one-on-one with me, and more.

Happy December Full Moon! May all of your intentions come true!
Here's to a magical and miracle-filled day, VIP!

Vibrant blessings,

ashley koe