A Letter from my soul to yours

You are meant to shine.
No 'if's,' 'and's' or 'but's.'

You chose to have this Superpower of sensitivity.

Yes, you, your soul, chose this.

This 'gift' that seems more like a burden more often than not.

Why? You wanted to change the world.

Eh, that's so cliche...

You wanted to BE the change in this world.
You wanted to connect with other old souls.
Those who are also sensitive.

Sensitive to hurt, pain and suffering.


So you can BE the light. To shine light on the darkness.
So you can be a beacon of light for younger souls who are newer to this human journey.

So you can bring healing to those who need it.

You wanted to be a part of a light revolution.

But, in order to do this there are going to be things asked of you that make you feel so uncomfortable.

SO uncomfortable.

Things you're going to feel so much resistance to.
Lean into them. Reach out. Do them anyway.
Because, dear soul, THIS is how you wanted to grow.

And - yes, you CAN do this.

You were divinely designed to do this.
I am with you, shoulder to shoulder, soul to soul.
You are divinely loved.
You are supported by all the Sacred.

Yours truly, fellow revolutionary light soul,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive, Alignment Coach,
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT), and
Founder of Align & Thrive™

PS. If you'd like to join the revolution of sensitives and lightworkers on a path of aligning with their soul's intentions, I invite you to check out our Energy Alignment Mentoring Program, Align & Thrive™.
This is my soul's work - to mentor fellow sensitives how to co-create an energetically nourishing life aligning with their soul.