Are you a depleted Change Agent? How to recharge.

VIP, more than likely since you're reading this you are a super passionate human who loves advocating for the underdog, standing up for what is right and are typically found fighting for equality and justice!

The only thing with this is that seeing how far behind our society and world is can be super frustrating... and even exhausting.

Continually seeing this in the news or in your work can really drain your energy.

And even with all the good work that you're doing in the world, if you're running on fumes, then you're missing the point.

Yes, I just called you out on it. It's a gift of mine. Smiles.

Here's where the truth lies...

Your Soul and our Universe is BEGGING YOU to prioritize caring for yourself.

But what about those who are hungry?

And what about those who don't have shelter over their head?

And what about the people who are about to lose their health insurance?

Yes, the world is full of pain and suffering, it's true.


That doesn't mean that you need to be one of them.

You suffering doesn't relieve the world of its suffering; it only adds to it.

Harsh I know. It took me a few years, yes years, to fully start to embody this concept.

But, just think, this means that the Universe actually gives you permission and even WANTS you to be fulfilled, energized, healthy, prosperous and joyous!

Seems a little backwards? Well, not really. Here's how it works...

When you are thriving, you emit high-vibe energies to the world which gives others permissions to increase their energies as well. Which means that you are contributing to the highest vibrations which helps with healing, equality progression, raising consciousness, and reminding others of their connection with other humans.

So, give yourself permission to smile. To take a moment to be present for that lovely experience. To stop and smell the flowers. To take in the beauty of nature. To feel happy. To have a dance party. All without guilt.

This is just the beginning of what we get into with our SOULcial Justice lessons of Align & Thrive™.

Additionally, we also work with healers and have a whole lesson covering Trauma-informed Approaches to Holistic healing. This is vital to our work because MANY people who come for healing have experienced some sort of trauma in this life or a previous one.
And it's important to know what to do in order to
1) make sure someone is comfortable when they come for healing, and
2) to make sure you feel confident and equipped as a healer on how to handle any kind of situation.

All of these and more are foundational building aspects of Align & Thrive™: VIP's Energy Alignment Mentoring Program.

We only open it once a year, so if you're ready to take your work, self care or healing to the next level then this is for you.

To add more confidence with your decision, make sure this is truly the right program for you by Signing up for a free 30-mins no-pressure session to get all of your questions answered!

We have 2 days left! The doors for the 2017 Align & Thrive™ Energy Alignment Mentoring Program will finally close THIS Thursday, January 19th, 2017 at 11:59pm MST / 10:59pm PST / 1:59am (1/20/17) EST.

This is your year to bring more healing and goodness into the world - that is much needed!

Know that you are so deeply loved and supported by the Universe. And I appreciate all of the work you do to show up and BE the change in our world.

Vibrant blessings,
