From Powerless to Empowered

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"What more can I do??"
I was doing personal growth work, reading books, incorporating and integrating concepts, attending to my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs and there was still something missing.
Something I didn't really know what it was.
But I knew that I wanted to be able to take things to the next level.
I just didn't know how, who, where, what - you know, the logistics.
And then... I got sick.
Not in-the-hospital kind of sick, but the I'm in bed trying to nip it in the bud before it becomes full blown... again, kind of sick.
I realized that this had been happening repeatedly, nearly once a month.
I was frustrated because I would run myself down trying to do everything for everyone. Be the best I could be at my job, in my relationships and that left very little time for tending to my energetic needs. In which my physical body would stop me and slow me down.
So, this time, for whatever reason, I decided to check in. Like really check in. And see what I was being guided to do.
And that's when I found Craigslist's Community Classes section. (I bet you were thinking I found something else, right?)
Well, let's just say, this area changed the entire course of my life.
Why? This is where I found my very first Reiki class.
Sometimes we are led to things in the most random places. But what I know now is that it's not random, it's divinely orchestrated. How fun is that?
Ever since I have taken my first Reiki class I have felt the most empowered in my life, ever.
If I have an issue with feeling stuck, I do Reiki.
If I am experiencing some conflict in my relationships, I offer Reiki.
If someone is in hospice and working on transitioning to the other plane, I offer Reiki.
When I am traveling, when I feel nervous or anxious, when I am having old childhood issues coming up, I offer Reiki.
You see, Reiki doesn't just address the physical ailments that we experience.
It works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
It works in my daily life. That's why I talk about #everydayreiki.
We use it with our pets, the kiddos in our lives, on ourselves, on each other, with food and even when giving presentations in our work.
Learning Reiki and becoming attuned to the Reiki energies raised my vibrations, helped me feel more empowered and connected to Spirit, and helped me to feel more empowered in the most powerless feeling of situations.
Because of the raising frequencies of our planet many people who are sensitive to others' energies are feeling this shifts on some level. If you are one of these people, if you know that you are sensitive to energies, if you know that you are able to feel others' pain, taking Reiki is where you can harness these gifts and know you can do something rather than letting them to continue to control you and your experiences.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to check out our Fall 2017 Online Reiki Course. Doors close tonight for registration. And we even have payment plans and you can get in with as little as $125/mo!
We're here for you. To support you. To share with you about our experiences. So that you can continue to shine bright and be the luminary of this world.

Registration ends tonight at 11:59pm MDT (Mountain time). And this is our final time offering the Reiki Course live this year. You can join us during the live classes or you can take your time and make sure that you complete all the courses before May 31st, 2018. It's up to you and all that is going on in your life. 

Check out the page with all the details, bonuses and experiences of others.

Here's to you, VIP. Here's to you feeling empowered energetically. Here's to you having more tools in your toolbox to continue on in this world in a thriving way. Here's to you matching the raising vibrations and feeling so much joy around it.

Know that I am here wishing you the very best in all that you're experiencing.

Vibrant blessings,

ashley koe
Energy Intuitive, Alignment Coach &
Certified Reiki Master Teacher (CRMT)