Dear Luminary,

Dear luminary,

Why do I call you a luminary, VIP?
Because I know you. You are shining the light on the darkness. You are passionate about justice.
Your desire starts with and goes beyond everyone on this planet having their basic needs and rights be met.
It also goes further, desiring all creatures to be loved, honored, embraced and celebrated.

You also have learned that you are willing to have the hard conversations.
You're willing to learn how to have them.
You're willing to do them imperfectly because you know it's the right thing to do.

It's important to connect with your fiery anger within.
It's just as important to harness that and let it fuel your connection with others.

You tend to be the one sparking new concepts in your circles,
igniting new perspectives,
and seeing the light in others.

This is why you are a luminary.

No matter what kind of work you get paid for right now, you continue to show up
For yourself,
For your people,
For our world.

You are moving us forward.
You are elevating our conscious collective.

Yes, these are dark times we're experiencing.
These are the times where we get to honor the moon, stars and planets that are shining in the darkness.
These are the times where we get to hold the candle and feel our way through new pathways.
These are the times where the glow of the embers are keeping us warm.

And this is also why it's vital (think vital signs) for us to come together.
To have our tribe. To lean on our people. To reach out and connect with new folx who become our people.
As we come together our individual candles start to light up the world.

And we must balance as best we can.
So we do not to burn out.
Or start a wildfire.

So yes, YOU are a luminary.

And together we got this. We carry the evolution within our hearts. The fire in our bellies.

Today, of all days, the day after Winter Solstice - the longest night and shortest day of the year - where many cultures for centuries have ushered in the light, welcoming it back to continue blessing the Earth with it's light and warmth.

Shine on, luminary,

ashley koe
Founder of Align & Thrive™

If you are ready to collectively bring our lights together and join others in this illumination of our world, I invite you to check out Align & Thrive™. It IS our time. Our world is transforming in magnificent ways. Your light is needed.

Because I ended up taking Winter Solstice as a day of rest, (whew, that was an intense and incredible 24 hours), Early Bird has been extended to 12/31/17 at 11:59pm. Check out these incredible bonuses and the various options.
Want to learn more about soul alignment and energy but you're not certified in an energy healing modality, Option 1 is for you.
Already certified in an energy healing modality and want to expand your tools and feel more confident in your healing? Option 2 is ready for you.
Ready to step into becoming the professional healer that you know you're meant to be? Option 3 is for you!